Modern boilers are made of super robust steel alloys to combat higher-temperature applications and for better mechanical toughness and physical strength ratio. Heat is provided to the liquid boiler chamber by burners fueled by natural gas, coal, and others. Pressure switches are widely used in many boilers, some typical applications of industrial steam boilers are:
Steam oven in a freighter, Steam power generators, Hot water applications, Food preparation, Water sanitation purposes
Safety is definitely the paramount factor in every boiler design. Although the manufacturer's employer and employees are adhering to Occupational Administration safety standards. Even though modern industrial steam boilers must adhere to strict regulatory standards, hazardous burning and catastrophic explosions still occur on the job site. In such applications where lefoo pressure switch absolutely must work and is a reason why LEFOO has focused on making sure our switches work reliably and repeatedly.
The robust structure and precise control are realized by a small mechanical device referred to as LEFOO boiler pressure switches. The pressure switch casing the 1215 nickel-plated carbon steel screw for pressure regulating, a spring reacts to pressure threshold that triggers the Microswitch contacts made of silver-cadmium alloy, and on-off Beryllium Bronze electric bridge, all the components are completely sealed by a 316L stainless steel diaphragm. If you do not see the part you want below, feel free to use the chat function and see if we possibly have the part you are looking for in stock.
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